College of A&GS
Department of Geography
The University of Oklahoma
Sarkeys Energy Center, Room
100 East Boyd Street
Norman, Oklahoma 73019-1008, U.S.A.
(405) 325-
Bruce Hoagland
Appointments at the University of Oklahoma:
Associate Professor of Geography
GEOG 1114, Physical Geography
GEOG 3613, Geography of Oklahoma
GEOG 4283/5283, Biogeography
GEOG 6210, Human Influences on Vegetation
Bruce Hoagland joined the faculty in 1996. He has a joint appointment with the Oklahoma Biological Survey, where he serves as a plant ecologist and coordinator of the Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory. His research interests include vegetation classification and mapping, analysis of plant species distributions, reconstruction of historical vegetation, and floristic surveys. Major projects at this time include an atlas of the flora of Oklahoma, reconstruction of vegetation of Murray County, Oklahoma (from 1871 and 1897 General Land Office Survey data), and an inventory of wetland plant communities in western Oklahoma.
Ph.D., Plant Ecology, University of Oklahoma, 1995
M.S., Applied Ecology, Eastern Kentucky University, 1990
B.A., Biology, University of Louisville, 1986
Crawford, PH & BW Hoagland. In press. Can herbarium records be used to map plant invasion over the past 100 years? Journal of Biogeography.
Hoagland, BW & AK Buthod. In press. Vascular flora of an Ozark Plateau site, Ottawa County, Oklahoma. Southeastern Naturalist.
Hoagland, BW & AK Buthod. In press. The vascular flora of the Cucumber Creek Nature Preserve, LeFlore County, Oklahoma. Castanea.
Hoagland, BW. 2008. Vegetation of Oklahoma. Oklahoma Geological Survey Educational Publication #9. Norman.
Hoagland, BW & AK Buthod. 2008. Vascular flora of the J.T. Nickel Family Nature and Wildlife Preserve. Castanea 73: 16-28.
Hoagland, BW. 2007. A checklist of the Vascular Flora of the Ozark Plateau in Oklahoma, Oklahoma Native Plant Record 7: 21-53.
Hoagland, BW. & AK Buthod. 2007. Vascular flora of the Four Canyon Preserve, Ellis County, Oklahoma. Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 1: 655-664.
Hoagland, BW. & AK Buthod. 2007. The vascular flora of the Oklahoma Centennial Botanical Garden Site. Oklahoma Native Plant Record 7: 54-66.
Burgess LJ & BW Hoagland. 2006. Vascular flora of riparian site on the Canadian River, Cleveland County, Oklahoma. Oklahoma Native Plant Record 6:69-79.
Buthod AK & BW. Hoagland. 2006. Galium tricornutum (Rubiaceae) and Parentucellia viscosa (Scrophulariaceae): new to Oklahoma. Sida 22:235.
Goble D. & Hoagland BW. 2006. Inter-urban Rail Lines, 1903-1950, in CR Goins & D. Goble, Historical Atlas of Oklahoma. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman.
Hoagland BW. 2006. Arkansas and Red River Basins; Soils; Vegetation; Threatened and Endangered Species; The Louisiana Purchase; American Explorers 1806-1821; American Explorers 1832-1853; Buffalo Country; Township and Range Survey System; Wheat Farming 1907-2000; Cotton Farming 1907-2000; Corn and Other Grain Farming 1907-2000 (individual entries), in CR Goins & D. Goble, Historical Atlas of Oklahoma. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman.
Hoagland BW. 2006. Woody Plant Species Composition of a Fagus grandifolia Ehrh. (American Beech) Forest along Beech Creek, LeFlore County, Oklahoma. Publications of the Oklahoma Biological Survey 7: 34-39.
Hoagland BW & AK Buthod. 2006. Vascular Flora of a Red Sandstone Hills site, Canadian County, Oklahoma. Oklahoma Native Plant Record 6:53-68.
Hoagland BW & AK Buthod. 2006. Vascular Flora of a site in the Slick Hills, Caddo County, Oklahoma. Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science.
Hoagland BW & D. Goble. 2006. Railroads 1870-1907; Railroads 1907-2002; Livestock Production; Civilian Conservation Corp Camps (individual entries), in CR Goins & D. Goble, Historical Atlas of Oklahoma. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman.
Hoagland, BW & AK Buthod. 2005. Vascular Flora of a Gypsum Dominated Site in Major County, Oklahoma. Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science 85:1-8.
Hoagland, BW & AK Buthod. 2005. Vascular flora of a site along the Arkansas River, Pawnee County, Oklahoma. Oklahoma Native Plant Record 5:61-72.
Hoagland BW & Johnson FL. 2005. Vascular flora of the Deep Fork River in Okmulgee, Creek, and Okfuskee Counties. Publications of the Oklahoma Biological Survey 6: 15-29.
Hoagland, BW, AK Buthod, & G Caddell. 2005. The occurrence of Cerastium pumilum (Caryophyllaceae) in Oklahoma. Sida 21: 2439-2440.
Woods, AJ, JM Omernick, DR Butler, JG Ford, JE Henley, BW Hoagland, DS Arndt, and BC Moran. 2005. Ecoregions of Oklahoma, Reston Virginia, US Geological Survey (map scale 1:,250,000).
Buthod, AK & BW Hoagland. 2004. Status and habitat characteristics of Cypripedium kentuckiense (Kentucky lady’s slipper) in southeastern Oklahoma. Oklahoma Native Plant Record 4:40-47.
Hoagland, BW. 2004. Vegetation of Oklahoma. In: Reinking, D., ed. Atlas of Oklahoma Breeding Birds. University of Oklahoma Press.
Hoagland, BW. 2004. Cotinus obovatus Raf. (Smoke-tree) in Oklahoma. Oklahoma Native Plant Record 4:24-25.
Hoagland BW & AK Buthod. 2004. Vascular flora of Hugo Lake Wildlife Management Area, Choctaw County, Oklahoma. Southeastern Naturalist 3: 701-714.
Hoagland, BW & AK Buthod. 2004. Alternanthera paronichyoides St._Hil. (Amaranthaceae) and Rumex maritimus L. (Polygonaceae) new to Oklahoma. Sida 21:1199-1200.
Hoagland, BW, AK Buthod & W Elisens. 2004. Vascular flora of Washita Battlefield National Historic Site, Roger Mills County, Oklahoma. Sida 21:1187-1197.
Hoagland BW & FL Johnson. 2004. Vascular Flora of Chouteau Wildlife Management Area, Wagoner County, Oklahoma. Oklahoma Native Plant Record 4:30-39.
Hoagland BW, P Crawford-Callahan, P Crawford, & FL Johnson. 2004. Vascular flora of Hackberry Flat, Fredrick Lake, and Suttle Creek, Tillman County, Oklahoma. Sida 21: 429-445.
Hoagland BW & FL Johnson. 2004. Vascular flora of Love Valley Wildlife Management Area, Love County, Oklahoma. Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science 84: 9-18.
Hoagland BW & FL Johnson. 2004. Vascular flora of Red Slough and Grassy Slough Wildlife Management Areas, Gulf Coastal Plain, McCurtain County, Oklahoma. Castanea 69:284-296.
Shutler, A. & BW Hoagland. 2004. Vegetation in the cross timbers, Carter County, Oklahoma, 1871. Oklahoma. Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science 84: 19-26.
Hoagland BW & AK Buthod. 2003. Vascular flora of the Keystone Wildlife Management Area, Creek, Pawnee, and Osage Counties, Oklahoma. Oklahoma Native Plant Record 3: 23-37.
Hoagland, BW & K Wallick. 2003. Vascular flora of Oologah Wildlife Management Area in Nowata County, Oklahoma. Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Sciences 83: 47-62.
Hoagland, BW 2002. A classification and analysis of western Oklahoma wetlands. Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Sciences 82: 5-14.
Fagin, T & BW Hoagland. In search of the forest primeval: The use of land survey records in reconstructing past landscapes and evaluating human impact. North American Geographer 4: 1-20.
Palmer, MW, PG Earls, BW Hoagland, PS White, & T Wohlgemuth. 2002. Quantitative tools for perfecting species lists. Environmetrics 13: 121- 137.
Thurmond, PJ, CC Freeman, K Kindscher, H Loring, CA Morse, & BW Hoagland. 2002. Preliminary report of an ethnobotanical survey along the Ogallala ecotone on the Dempsey Divide in Roger Mills County, Oklahoma. Oklahoma Archeology 50: 10-37.
Vaughn, CC, DE Spooner, & BW Hoagland. 2002. River weed growing epiphytically on freshwater mussels. Southwestern Naturalist 47: 604-605.
Hoagland BW & FL Johnson. 2001. Vascular flora of the Chickasaw National Recreation Area, Murray County, Oklahoma. Castanea 66:383-400.
Hoagland, BW. 2000. The vegetation of Oklahoma: a classification of landscape mapping and conservation planning. Southwestern Naturalist 45: 385-420.
Hoagland, BW, I. Butler, F. L. Johnson & S. M. Glenn. 1999. Ecology and vegetation of the Cross timbers in Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas. In: Anderson, R. C., Fralish, J and J.Baskins. The savanna, barren and rock outcrop communities of North America. Cambridge University Press.
Hoagland, BW. 1999. Entries for the Encyclopedia of the Desert (Amenochory; Annual Plants; Cryptogams; Riparian Vegetation; Zoochory). Mares, M. ed. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman.
Hoagland, BW. 1998. Riparian vegetation. In: Fallon, A. and M. Smollen. Riparian area management handbook. Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater.
Hoagland, BW. & NA McCarty. 1998. Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.) Griseb.(AMARANTHACEAE) new to Oklahoma. Castanea 63: 194.
Hoagland, BW & S Stoodley. 1998. Ecoregions. In: Fallon, A. and M. Smollen, eds. Riparian area management handbook. Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater.
Hoagland, BW & SL Collins. 1997. Gradient models, gradient analysis, and hierarchical structure in plant communities. Oikos 78: 23-30.
Hoagland, BW & SL Collins. 1997. Heterogeneity in shortgrass prairie vegetation: the role of playa lakes. Journal of Vegetation Science 8: 277-286.
Hoagland, BW, LR Sorrels & SM Glenn. 1996. Woody species composition of floodplain forests of the Little River, McCurtain and LeFlore Counties, Oklahoma. Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science 76: 23-26.
Hoagland, BW. & R Jones. 1992. Wetland and Riparian Flora of the Upper Green River Basin, South-Central Kentucky. Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 53: 141-153.
Fagin, T., D. Lowther, and B. Hoagland. 2008. National Vegetation Classification: Implementation and Outreach for Oklahoma. Federal Geographic Data Committee, National, Spatial Data Infrastructure.
Harmon V, BW Hoagland, J Bridgewater, & AK Buthod. 2007. Establishment of monitoring protocols for Stanhopea tigrina, Euchile mariae, and Laelia speciosa (Orchidaceae) in the El Cielo Biosphere Reserve, Tamaulipas, Mexico. Association of Zoological Horticulture ($10,046).
Hoagland BW. 2007. Subregional mapping of the Ozark and Arkansas Valley Regions of the Oklahoma Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy. Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation.
Hoagland BW. & AK Buthod. 2007. Floristic survey of the Little River National Wildlife Refuge. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Hoagland, BW. 2007. Analysis of land cover change and location of remnant forests in the city of Oklahoma City. The City of Oklahoma City.
Hoagland, BW. 2006. Wildlife habitat mapping the Tallgrass Prairie Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy region. Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation.
Hoagland, BW. 2006. A digital database of Playa lakes in the Oklahoma Panhandle. Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation.
Hoagland, BW. 2006. Establishment of an epiphytic plant monitoring network in the Cloud Forest of the El Cielo Biosphere Reserve, Tamaulipas, Mexico. University of Oklahoma Research Council.
Hoagland, BW. 2006. Analysis of cottonwood (Populus deltoides) dynamics on the upper Canadian River using repeat aerial photography. The Nature Conservancy.
Buthod, AK. & BW. 2005. Hoagland. Monitoring Vascular Plants of Federal Concern: Asclepis uncialis and Trillium pusillum var. ozarkanum. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Buthod, AK & BW Hoagland. 2005. Platanthera praeclara and Asclepias uncialis in Oklahoma.US Fish and Wildlife Service.
Hoagland, BW. 2005. Conversion of the Oklahoma Gap Vegetation map for habitat analysis of Species of Greatest Conservation Need. Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation.
Hoagland, BW. 2005. Floristic inventory of the Four Canyons Nature Preserve. The Nature Conservancy.
Hoagland, BW & AK Buthod. 2005. Floristic Inventory of the Cucumber Creek Preserve, LeFlore County, Oklahoma.
Buthod, AK & BW Hoagland. 2004. Utilizing Standardized Protocols for Monitoring Vascular Plants of Federal Concern: A Continuing Study of Castanea pumila var. ozarkensis. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Butler, IH, BW Hoagland, L Bergey, & J Kelly. 2004. Development of interagency rare species data sharing and exchange for statewide wildlife conservation planning. Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation.
Hoagland, BW. 2004. Floristic inventory of the J.T. Nickel Family Nature and Wildlife Preserve. The Nature Conservancy.
Hoagland, BW. 2004. Wildlife habitat in Indian Territory and the Chickasaw Nation, circa 1870. Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation.
Buthod, AK & BW. 2003. Hoagland. Utilizing Standardized Protocols for Monitoring Vascular Plants of Federal Concern: A Study of Castanea pumila var. ozarkensis. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Hoagland, BW. 2003. Habitat maps for Beaver River, Sandy Sanders, and Pushmataha Wildlife Management Areas. Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation.
Hoagland, BW. 2003. Mapping the historic vegetation of the Washita Battlefield National Historic Site. U.S. National Park Service.
Hoagland, BW. 2003. Wildlife habitats and land cover of Osage County circa 1870. Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation.
Hoagland, BW, W Elisens, AK Buthod, I Butler, & R Tyrl. 2003. Development of the Oklahoma Vascular Plants Database and website. National Science Foundation.
Hoagland, BW. 2002. Historical land cover of the Panhandle and northwest Oklahoma. Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation.
Hoagland, BW. 2002. Review and database development for Oklahoma species of concern and species tracked by the Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Hoagland, BW & A Buthod. 2002. Floristic inventory of Keystone Wildlife Management Area. Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation.
Hoagland, BW, AK Buthod, & W Elisens. 2002. Vascular plant inventory of the Washita Battlefield National Historic Site. U.S. National Park Service.
Hoagland, BW. 2002. Distribution of prairie dog towns and associated land cover in the Oklahoma panhandle. Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation.
Hoagland, BW & AK Buthod. 2001. Floristic Survey of Hugo Wildlife Management Area. Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation.
Hoagland, BW. 2001. Vegetation of Optima, Washita, Great Salt Plains, Tishomingo, and Hagerman National Wildlife Refuges: Development of alliance and association lists. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Hoagland, BW. 2000. Vegetation map and analysis of land cover change at Pontotoc Ridge Preserve and adjacent areas, Johnston and Pontotoc counties, Oklahoma. The Nature Conservancy.
Hoagland, BW & FL Johnson. 2000. Floristic survey of Oolagah Wildlife Management Area, Oklahoma. Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation.
Hoagland, BW, NA McCarty, & IH Butler. 1999. An inventory of riparian and wetland areas in southwestern Oklahoma. Environmental Protection Agency.
Hoagland, BW & FL Johnson. 1999. Red River Botanical Survey; Cotton, Jefferson and Tillman counties. Bureau of Land Management.
Hoagland, BW. 1999. Vegetation mapping in an Ozark landscape: a study of the J-5 Ranch, Cherokee County, Oklahoma. The Nature Conservancy.
Hoagland, BW & FL Johnson. 1999. Floristic survey of Red Slough and Grassy Slough, McCurtain County, Oklahoma. Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation.
Hoagland, BW. 1998 Development of an aquatic and wetland plant manual and Worldwide Web site for Oklahoma. Environmental Protection Agency.
Hoagland, BW. 1998. Analysis of remotely sensed data for extant populations of Platanthera praeclara in northeastern Oklahoma - phase 2. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Hoagland, BW. 1998. Mapping the Vegetation of Black Mesa, Cimarron County, Oklahoma. The Nature Conservancy.
Hoagland, BW & FL Johnson. 1998. Floristic inventory of the Deep Fork Wildlife Management Area. Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation.
Hoagland, BW & IH Butler. 1997. Identification and assessment of ecologically significant wetland communities in north central, northwestern, and the panhandle of Oklahoma. Environmental Protection Agency.
Hoagland, BW. 1997. Analysis of remotely sensed data for extant populations of Platanthera praeclara in northeastern Oklahoma - phase 1. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Hoagland, BW. & FL Johnson. 1997. Floristic survey of wetland plant communities at Love Valley Wildlife Management Area. Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation.
Humes, K, M Jakubauskus, M Yuan, M Morrissey, S Cook, B Hoagland, K Nixon, C Hateleid, I Butler, K Crawford, V Wong, & K Droegmeier. 1997. Center of excellence in applications of remote sensing to regional and global integrated environmental assessments. National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
Hoagland, BW & FL Johnson. 1996. Upper Guy Sandy prairie restoration plan, Chickasaw National Recreation Area. National Park Service.
Hoagland, BW. 1996. Evaluation of remotely sensed data for location of extant populations of Platanthera praeclara and high quality tallgrass prairie remnants: preliminary study. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Hoagland, BW. 1996. Survey of extant and potential populations of Asclepias uncialis, Ptilimnium nodosum, Thalictrum arkansanum, and Tomanthera skinneriana. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Hoagland, BW. 1996. Floristic assessment of wetland plant communities at Chouteau, Eufaula, and Hackberry Flat Wildlife Management Areas. Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation.
Hoagland, BW. 1995. Digital database establishment for the Black Mesa region of Oklahoma, Colorado, and New Mexico. The Nature Conservancy.
Hoagland, BW & FL Johnson. 1995. The effects of disturbance on therecovery of Eriocaulon kornickianum. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Hoagland, BW & IH Butler. 1995. Identification, assessment, and prioritization of ecologically significant wetland communities. Environmental Protection Agency.
Hoagland, BW & FL Johnson. 1994. Terrestrial vegetation survey of the Chickasaw National Recreation Area. National Park Service.
Hoagland, BW. 1993. Emergent wetland vegetation of western Oklahoma. Fish and Wildlife Foundation.